Your No Counts


→ Protect people who have the courage to speak up to reveal corruption and wrongdoing.

Ensuring safe access to reliable and efficient whistleblower protection and reporting mechanisms is an essential aspect of preventing and addressing corruption in both the public and private sector. The early identification of concerns about illegal and unethical behaviour is vital, particularly in rapidly evolving circumstances such as the pandemic. Gender-sensitive whistleblower reporting and protection systems, using a victim-centred approach, should be adopted to secure and reassure all reporting persons to come forward. The lack of protection, fear of retaliation and the level of confidentiality are key considerations for whistle-blowers, and women in particular, when deciding whether to report corruption or not.

UNODC provides guidelines on whistleblower reporting and protection mechanisms, and outlines the need and measures required to ensure that such mechanisms are gendered and adequate to safeguard the whistleblowers’ physical protection as well as their personal and professional reputation.  


Facilitate reports of corruption by


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